Saturday, September 14, 2024

Hall of Fame

2003 - Jack D. Connell, O'Dell Willis
2004 - A.R. Casavant, James F. "Pete" Evans
2005 - D. Stanley Barnes
2006 - J.S. Tilson, W.J. Julian
2007 - Dr. Wayne Pegram, Rodney Webb
2008 - Jospeh T. Smith, Tom Tucker, Bill Hull, Kenton J. Hull, Jr.
2009 - Tony D'Andrea & Walter H. McDaniel, Jr.
2010 - Alfred Edward (Bill) McClain, Edward L. Graves, Dr. Thomas R. (Ric) Best, & Tom Hewgley
2011  - Dr. A. Wayne Tipps
2012  - Brad Kinney & Dwight Christian
2014  - Jo Ann Hood & Rick Murphy
2015 - Joseph Hermann & Dr. Sydney J. McKay, Stephen Coleman, Marion Coleman
2016 - Bob Lee & Rufus Long
2017 - J. Jeff Beckman
2018 - L. Howard "Zeke" Nicar
2019  Ron Meers
2022 - Randal Box & Joel Denton
2023 - John D. Easley


  1. Three colleges will act as home for the Tennessee Bandmasters HALL OF FAME: The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Tennessee Tech University, and The University of Memphis.
  2. Each college will display a perpetual plaque with the names of the inductees. The space will be appropriate to the honor bestowed on these professionals.
  3. A book of photos and biographies will be placed in the music library in each of the regional colleges to honor the inductees.


  1. The nominator who plans to sponsor a nominee for the HALL OF FAME will compile data and photographs.
  2. Data will be submitted to the HALL OF FAME chairs for review. Chairs will submit completed applications to Immediate Past-President who will share the nominations with the Past-Presidents of TBA.
  3. Nominees approved by a majority of the Past Presidents voting will be presented to the TBA body at the annual All-State meeting. The nominee will be elected by a simple majority vote of those members present at that meeting.


The sponsor will be notified as to the result of the TBA vote.

  1. Induction will occur one year after the TBA recommendation.
  2. Induction will take place in conjunction with the TBA “Hall of Fame Concert”.
  3. The TBA Hall of Fame featured band will perform the HALL OF FAME fanfare, “Giants of the Past” before the presentation.
  4. The President of TBA will make the presentation of this honor.


Michael Rosson –

Jacob Campos –